Healing Dandruff Naturally

As early as I can remember I had a huge problem with dandruff. While the problem constant, the dry winter months exacerbated the situation.  In school I would wear light-colored clothing to disguise the situation, never touching my hair as flakes would fall. 

I tried every dandruff shampoo, one worked a bit but the smell was horrible.  Upon reading the label I saw the word tar listed as one of the ingredients.  TAR?  We put tar on our roads to seal cracks why would they put tar in shampoo?

In high school I tried prescription shampoos, but that didn't solve the problem either.  I became very good at styling my hair to hide my scalp, bangs were something I loathed but at least it hid the problem some.

Doing much research I learned dandruff was a condition of dry skin, which I did have.  I thought I could fix the problem by using moisturizer on my scalp.  This too was a failure.

Then just over a year ago, wanting to reduce my footprint I switched to "no-poo". Simply put this is the process of using baking soda mixed with water to wash the hair rinse well with water then add a vinegar rinse comb through and rinse again. I chose to use white vinegar, it is cheaper than apple cider vinegar which can also be used or keeping fresh lemons on hand.

The first rinse my comb came away with so many dandruff flakes it was sickening. But the next time there was considerably less flakes and I noticed my hair wasn't raining flakes any more.

By the second week I found my dandruff was gone. No More Flakes!  I worried that with the return of winter the flakes would return, but I can say happily I am entering my second winter season with no flakes reappearing.  I did some research and found articles which mentioned vinegar as preventing dandruff, here is just one, reporting on information from the Mayo Clinic  I couldn't help but shake my head. Why had no one told me this? I spent 49 years suffering from a condition that could have been controlled by a simple, inexpensive ingredient from almost every kitchen.

Save yourself the money of prescription shampoos. Save exposing yourself to horrible chemicals, odors and tar and give this a try. And save the water supply from being contaminated with these chemical-laden products.
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